Fall 2024 Service Change Concepts

C-TRAN is proposing a series of service change concepts to take place in fall 2024. The primary goal of these concepts is to ensure that at least 99% of scheduled trips are completed. Other focuses include adjusting service to match changes in travel patterns and ridership demand, improving the transit network around Mill Plain Transit Center, and continuing to grow ridership on future Vine corridors.

The following concepts would take effect on Sunday, September 8, 2024:

  • Route 6: Realign route to serve Columbia Shores Boulevard; adjust eastbound service to VA Medical Center, serving Fourth Plain and St. Johns instead, while westbound trips continue to the existing location on the VA campus; schedule adjustments to VA Medical Center departure times to improve connections. The concept would facilitate faster transfers from Route 6 to connecting routes, and provide new transit access to Columbia Shores area.
     Route 6 Fruit Valley Grand Map
  • Route 30: Realign route to move off of 39th Street, instead serving 28th Street between 138th Avenue and 162nd Avenue; improve on-time performance due to faster trips in both directions. The concept would provide better accessibility and travel times along 28th Street; highest-ridership locations on existing alignment would still be served by nearby stops.
    Route 30 Burton Map
  • Route 31: Schedule adjustments to add one weekday a.m. northbound trip; add two Sunday a.m. trips to match Saturday service.
  • Route 32: Schedule adjustments to add two Sunday a.m. trips to match Saturday service.
  • Route 41: Expand service to all Route 92 stops along existing route.
  • Route 48: Schedule adjustment to the last weekday trip to an earlier time to increase transfer opportunities at 99th Street Transit Center.
  • Route 78: Schedule adjustments to add two a.m. eastbound trips and two p.m. westbound trips.

C-TRAN will gather feedback from the public before finalizing any changes. Stay tuned for open house meetings this spring. Anyone can also submit comments using the online form below, or by calling C-TRAN at 360-695-0123.